Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pharmacy Transactions and Capital Gains Tax for the State of Alabama

By Brad MacLiver
Authorship and profile at Google

How could a “Capital Asset” affect you, an Alabama pharmacy owner if you want to sell your pharmacy business; and what is a capital asset anyhow?

Start by only looking at your Alabama pharmacy and not any of your personal belongings, and now try and sell your pharmacy; what you will then have is your pharmacy business as a capital asset. Look now at the difference in the cost you paid for the pharmacy (the basis), and the sum the pharmacy sells for, be it profit or loss, and this is what is regarded by the United States government as either a capital gain or loss and has to be reported and may be taxed.

Capital gains can also be called investment income due to its relation to real assets, such as property, intangible assets such as charitable donations, and financial resources.

With the current economic dip, the capability to attain financing for a potential pharmacy business buyer is difficult, and the available cash will be in smaller amounts. Also, selling your pharmacy business for a profit may be lower due to the higher probability that you, the Alabama pharmacy owner, may have had to reduce your asking price to allow buyers the opportunity to obtain financing; and in the end you may pay a higher percentage of taxes.

How can you the owner of an Alabama Pharmacy combat these issues? Well there are good strategies to do just that, but first you the pharmacy owner should have a specialist that is an expert in the pharmacy business industry, with the tools and strategies required to assist your pharmacy business. Washburn & Associates are these specialists that know how selling your pharmacy for the greatest profit, with the least in taxes is the bottom line.

“Charitable Remainder Trust” or CRT is one tool that may be helpful with the capital gains tax burden. Now, Classifying a CRT; legally explained as “Split Interest Trust,” due to the mix of charitable donations and personal financial positions; CRT’s may decrease the tax liabilities, and increase your pharmacy’s finances while allowing for goodwill giving.

Goodwill donations are what create a Charitable Remainder Trust when you an Alabama pharmacy owner give from your own assets, such as real estate property, cash, and other such items, to this special type of Trust. This Trust is then put in place for a defined time period or until the your, (the donor’s) death; during this time you the pharmacy owner can receive income as well as buy life insurance, if desired, to provide for your designated heirs after you are gone; this would come from this Trust’s assets, and would be without state tax liability. CRT’s are there for use by financial specialists in the pharmacy business industry, like Washburn & Associates, to increase the your pharmacy’s assets and charitable donations by understanding the federal government’s intricate and stringent tax laws written in the Internal Revenue Code 644, that denote how and when a CRT can be set up.
