Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Pharmacy Acquisition Finance in Alabama

By Brad MacLiver
Authorship and profile at Google

When an AL pharmacy or drug store is being sold, it is rare that the buyer pay “out of pocket” cash for the acquisition. Even when there is cash available, strategies for pharmacy acquisition usually involve financing the transaction.

A typical acquisition will take 6-9 months to complete, so the Alabama pharmacy seller will need the buyer to provide some proof up front about their ability to close the transaction. This acquisition will involve many hours of due diligence and negotiation, so the process should involve qualified parties.

Along with the buyer and seller the acquisition will involve attorneys, accountants, lenders, valuation companies, industry specialists, along with others. No one wants to pursue 6-9 months of work involving a variety of highly paid professionals without having some confidence of the AL pharmacy buyer’s ability to close the deal.

The process will begin with determining the value of the business. There are many companies that offer valuation services. However, pharmacies are not ice cream stores. There are many aspects of valuing an AL pharmacy that are unique to the industry, so generic valuations or simple accounting formulas should not be used. An industry specialist should be used for valuing the pharmacies instead of a valuation company that has a broader spectrum.

In order for a valuation to be completed, the selling company needs to provide data that is up-to-date. Lenders do not accept old data or a seller's intuition.  They must make decisions to finance based on sound, verifiable information.

Structuring the transaction is extremely important. The seller of course wants as much money as possible and wants cash. The buyer needs to spread out the debt service and wants to have as little cash as possible invested in the acquisition.

Alabama Pharmacies and drug stores are in an industry where it is more difficult to obtain business loan due to the majority of the value in a pharmacy is the customer files and not hard assets. Therefore, for the acquisition to be financed a lender will need a strong understanding of the industry and what, beyond the collateralized assets, the company offers to reduce the perceived risk.

Pharmacies in Alabama have typically been known for generating profits and to be stable businesses. However, they are usually in leased locations, and their furniture, fixtures, and computers will only provide $15-20,000 of collateral for a buyer possibly requesting a million dollar loan. A lot of money is tied up in inventory, but the small pills are considered by a lender to easy to move out the door in the event of default. Due to these circumstances many lenders will not loan money to these traditional money making businesses. A successful transaction takes a lender that understands the pharmacy industry.

Tips regarding pharmacy acquisitions and finance in AL:

1. Attorneys and CPAs who have been representing the Alabama pharmacy seller for many years may see the transaction as putting themselves in a position of losing a client when the business is sold. Make sure they are working diligently on the transaction and are not slowing or undermining the process

2. Since pharmacy acquisitions involve 6-9 months of work to complete , all parties involved need to be aware of time tables. Much too often, items of importance end up sitting on the desk of someone that is outside of the control of the buyer or seller.

3. All financial information needs to be current. Over the lengthy process the data supplied to both the buyer and the lender will need to be updated on a continuous basis. Things can change drastically during a nine month period and the Alabama pharmacy seller will need to continually prove the financial condition of the company.

When pursuing “pharmacy acquisition finance,” for the best chance of success, make sure the valuation company and the lender have expertise in that industry. Choose a company that has the pharmacy experience and expertise, and is a direct correspondent with lenders who understand Alabama pharmacy.



Monday, October 3, 2011

Alabama Pharmacy Industry: Current Market Conditions

By Brad MacLiver
Authorship and profile at Google

Currently there are a number of factors that are impacting the current market conditions of the U.S. pharmacy industry. These factors are affecting the pharmacy business valuations of pharmacies in AL and drug stores all across the U.S.

Local demographics:

The valuation process also takes local market conditions and local demographics into account. Smaller communities have less potential for growth and with falling profits, a buyer will need to purchase at a reduced value because they will have to service debts from a business loan and still try to make a living. This is also true for communities that have lost population because of economic conditions, or communities that have a high rate of unemployment. Less people and less customers who have the ability to purchase results in fewer sales and less of a chance for any substantial improvement in the near term. The effect of this is a lower pharmacy business value in Alabama.

Pharmacists Shortage:

Pharmacies in Alabama and across the country have had difficulties in finding pharmacists.  This pharmacist shortage affects not only employee opportunities it also affects the number of potential independent buyers. 

Fewer Buyers:

There are also fewer corporate buyers. Some of the largest pharmacy chains have been purchased and consolidated in the AL pharmacy industry roll up. Many smaller chains have run into financial difficulties and have stopped their expansion. It is more difficult to drive a price higher when there are fewer willing, or capable, to purchase.

Current Market Conditions Requires Industry Roll-up:

The consolidation of the pharmacy industry is required to get more traffic into a single store.  Due to simple economics, when any business has a reduction in profits they are less attractive to a buyer and pharmacy business values drop. There are many factors contributing to the downward pressure of pharmacy values and there is not any expectation of a turn around. Pharmacy owners in Alabama should not be fooled by inexperienced Brokers claiming grand outcomes and over stating pharmacy business values not based on realistic market conditions.

With the consolidation of the Alabama pharmacy industry that has been happening for several years, many new brokers have entered the market to broker pharmacy acquisitions. Most brokers do not have pharmacy related experience, nor do they use current market conditions when they value a pharmacy. Most are using simple accounting formulas that hold no sound reasoning for the value when faced with current pharmacy market conditions. Due to this many brokers are valuing pharmacies 2 to 3 times more than what the market is really willing to pay. Any inexperienced person can quote a high value to capture a listing.  However, that does not mean the over inflated asking price is what the business will actually sell for.

Mail Order Pharmacies:

Some insurance companies are designating a noticeable amount of AL pharmacy patients as “long-term medications” and require they only purchase the medications from mail order pharmacy companies who provide products at lower prices. This results in local pharmacies not only missing out on prescription sales, but front-end sales will also decline since the customer is not entering the store. Pharmacy mail order sales have now surpassed sales from independent retail pharmacies.

